Scholarship &
Financial-Aid Program
With the assistance of Canadian Tires Jumpstart Charity, Black Girl Hockey Canada has the ability to provide young BIPOC women with the funding needed to support their athletic careers no matter their age or level of play through a need-based financial aid program as well as an application-based scholarship program for high achieving student athletes that aspire to pursue their hockey careers into post-secondary education.
Scholarship Program
Scholarships are offered on an annual basis for those who fulfill the scholarship criteria. These scholarships are designed to assist and encourage Black women to pursue their interest in hockey, a sport where they are often underrepresented at the highest levels. These scholarships will be disbursed once a year and are available to players all over Canada, as well as internationally. The following scholarships should be applied to the applicant’s seasonal cost required by their registered club or school and/or equipment. For those who live in the United States, please visit our US entity's website to apply at
The Angela James Scholarship Award
The Bernice Carnegie Scholarship Award
The Blake Bolden Scholarship Award
The Sarah Nurse Scholarship Award
The Saroya Tinker Scholarship Award
In order to qualify for this scholarship, applicant must:
Be registered on a competitive seasonal hockey team or playing at the collegiate level
Ages 15-19
BIack Women in Hockey (moms, daughters, sisters and friends)
Maintain a 2.5 GPA
Provide a letter of recommendation (eg. a current or former coach, a teacher, a mentor etc.)
Rising Star Scholarships (10)
In order to qualify for this scholarship, applicant must:
Be registered on a seasonal hockey team
Ages 10-15
Black Women in Hockey (moms, daughters, sisters and friends)
Maintain a 2.5 GPA
*Applications are Due June 30th 2025 and Scholarship awards will be announced August 25th 2025.*

Financial-Aid Program
Black Girl Hockey Club Canada will provide need-based financial and/or equipment aid through an application process where players of all ages and levels of play can request up to $1000 for league fees and travel and/or needed equipment. Requests will be taken on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year and disbursed by Board discussion and vote.
*Please note Applicants can apply up to three times a calendar year for need-based financial aid. If further assistance is needed, the Board will further discuss the applicants request.*​
Be registered with a seasonal hockey team or learn to play program​
Ages 6 +
Provide proof of financial-need
Please note if applicants needs can be met through equipment-aid, please visit our Bridging Gaps with Gear Equipment-Aid program.